Confirmation classes are an opportunity to learn what it means to be a United Methodist. Adult confirmation classes will be offered alongside youth classes so that parents, guardians, mentors, and others who may not have had United Methodist confirmation classes may deepen their own understanding and connection with the UMC and get a taste of what youth are learning.
The basic confirmation class information follows. Adult classes will be offered at the same time concurrent with youth classes (but in separate rooms). Dinner will be eaten together and is provided each afternoon we meet. We will be taking several field trips that will also be open to adults. That schedule will be available in early February.
February 16, 4-6 pm (Old Testament and New Testament)
February 23, 4-6 pm (John Wesley and Growth of Methodism)
March 2, 4-6 pm (Quadrilateral and Grace)
March 9, 4-6 pm (Perfection and Freewill and the Omnipotence of God)
March 16, 4-6 pm (Prayer and Salvation)
March 23, 4-6 pm (Communion and Worship/Service)
March 30, 4-6 pm (Baptism and Confirmation)
April 6, 4-6 pm (General Rules and World-wide UMC)
April 13, 4-6 pm (Mercy and Social Justice)
Lastly, plan to support our youth on YOUTH CONFIRMATION SUNDAY, April 27, 10 am!
To attend these classes, please sign up below and give us your email address.