CHUM Youth Confirmation Registration

weekly classes beginning February 16 | Thank you for registering for 2025 CHUM confirmation. Please fill out this confirmation class survey and click SUBMIT
Confirmation classes are an opportunity for youth to learn what it means to be a United Methodist and to decide for themselves if they would like to join the United Methodist Church--specifically CHUM--as members. Youth who participate in confirmation classes are not obligated to be confirmed, but an opportunity will be given for them to choose confirmation at the end of the series.

The basic schedule is as follows. This year's confirmation class will meet Sundays, beginning February 16, from 4-6 pm at church. Dinner will be provided each time we meet. Confirmation Sunday will be April 27, during a single combined worship service at 10:00 am. Please plan to attend all classes. Youth who miss more than two classes may need to delay confirmation till 2027.  Confirmation will also include 3 field trips, which are a required part of the confirmation learning experience. That schedule will be finalized soon and will include options for making a visit on your own if you are unable to attend on the date the group is going.  

February 16, 4-6 pm (Old Testament and New Testament)
February 23, 4-6 pm (John Wesley and Growth of Methodism)
March 2, 4-6 pm (Quadrilateral and Grace)
March 9, 4-6 pm (Perfection and Freewill and the Omnipotence of God)
March 16, 4-6 pm (Prayer and Salvation)
March 23, 4-6 pm (Communion and Worship/Service)
March 30, 4-6 pm (Baptism and Confirmation)
April 6, 4-6 pm (General Rules and World-wide UMC)
April 13, 4-6 pm (Mercy and Social Justice)
April 20 Sunrise Service and Breakfast, 7:15 - 9:00 am
Please select one option.
Confirmation Expecations 2025
1. Engage in your own relationship with God and the church.
2. Attend confirmation classes, field trips and special events.  (See class schedule above).
3. We will have three required field trips: Lao Buddhist Association, Congregation Emanu-El, and St. Mark UMC.  If you can't attend those trips with our group, we will help you arrange your own visits to these places.
4. You may have no more than two excused absences (Sunday evening classes) if you wish to be confirmed this year.
5. Make-up classes may be scheduled with Pastor Bev.
6. If you are ill or need to miss class, please inform Pastor Bev as soon as possible. (Church 316-683-4643 or Cell 316-250-0712)
7. Be open to the people we will encounter along our journey.
8. Show respect for speakers, teachers, and visitors.
9. Be respectful of others and their place in the journey.
10. Participate in our discussions and activities.
11. Actively participate in CHUM activities outside of class.
Youth Pledge
I pledge with God’s help and the support of my family, to fully enter into the confirmation journey. I understand the expectations placed upon this journey. I will be open and honest about my own questions and endeavor to understand my thoughts and feelings. 
(Please sign your name below if you agree).
Parent/Guardian Pledge
With God’s help, I pledge to assist my child on the confirmation journey. I understand the expectations placed upon this journey and the importance of ensuring my child fully participates.  I will encourage and support my child's participation in confirmation and the leaders in their teaching.
(Please sign your name below if you agree).
Optional Adult Confirmation Class!
We are offering an optional Adult Confirmation Class, if you would like to learn concurrent with your youth.  The adult class will be separate from the youth class, but the groups will eat dinner together.
Register here for the Adult Confirmation Class!
2024-2025 Consent & Waiver Form
All youth who participate in confirmation classes will need to have on record their completion of the 2024-2025 College Hill UMC Consent & Waiver Form. If you have not completed this year's form for your confirmation student, please do so by opening the form from this link A new tab will open, allowing you to toggle between this confrmation registration form and the consent & waiver form.
2025 Annual Conference Optional Opportunity for Confirmed Youth
Great Plains Annual Conference is June 4-7, 2025, in Salina. Youth who have completed confirmation may vote as lay delegates at annual conference. Pastors Jill and Bev are considering taking a youth delegation to our next annual conference. Youth who attend would take part in delegate sessions and meet with conference leaders as well as spend time doing fun stuff with other GPAC youth. If confirmed, would your youth be free to join us for annual conference?  (Attending Annual Conference is optional and not required.)
Please select all that apply.


weekly classes beginning February 16
Thank you for registering for 2025 CHUM confirmation. Please fill out this confirmation class survey and click SUBMIT